
In Reception and Key Stage one children are taught spelling through their daily Read Write Inc. Lessons.

When children are secure within the Read Write Inc. spelling, usually towards the end of year 2, they move onto the Spelling Shed scheme of work.

Children have spelling lessons at least 3 times a week which cover word lists for each year group, embedding logical progression and review. Children are able to access games at home through the Spelling Shed App and enjoy playing the games and practise their spellings more regularly which brings success for everyone to celebrate. Full data tracking allows teachers to see at a glance how often children are practising and view their progress and attainment, providing intervention when necessary.


"Orthography is how patterns of letters are used to make certain spoken sounds in a language.”
In the spelling lessons, children continue to build on the firm foundations built whilst studying RWI in Reception and KS1. They continue to break down spellings into the smallest units of sound and cluster them into syllables in order to read and write words efficiently.

Through adult-led discussion and investigation children become more secure in their knowledge of English orthography based on the frequency and position of the sounds within words.



“Morphology describes how words are structured into subcomponents to give meaning.”
Children study words; word parts; their meanings and how this affects spelling.

There are lessons throughout our spelling curriculum which consolidate children’s knowledge of common morphemes such as root formations, prefixes and suffixes.



“Etymology describes the origins of words, which can lead to certain patterns of spelling.”

Most lessons include an etymology element that allows children to be taught about the origin of the words that they are learning about.

Children will be able to see how the English language has, over time, borrowed and integrated words and spellings from a range of source languages. For example, the latinate verbs which follow Latin prepositions in English words such as: -act (do), -pute (think)
